30 nov 2010

Iskin in Channel 21 - German TV!!!

Thanks to Modern Trends, our necklace Daydream large was featured in a TV show in Germany!
To access the video (and buy it online), please follow this link:


Then click on the link "video" (which is bellow the necklace) to watch the video of the TV show presenting the necklace and our designer, Gabriela Iskin.

We didn't understand most of it (as it is in German), but we had fun watching it...

We'll stay in touch!
All the best!

29 nov 2010

Colecciones recién lanzadas en Argentina

Hola gente linda!

Podrán ver fotos de las nuevas colecciones de Iskin en Facebook!
Entren al link: http://www.facebook.com/album.php?aid=298975&id=98464979413 y dejen sus comentarios y opiniones.

En breve en las tiendas multimarca, y ya se consiguen en el showroom de Iskin en Vicente López!

Los esperamos!!!